CLINIC- Fix Slices and Hooks


Come join us to Fix Slices and Hooks!

CLINIC- Short Iron Controlled


What is the best and ultimate way to have most accurate approach shots inside of 150 yards? Come join us for our free clinic.

CLINIC- Learn the Wedges!


Learn how to adjust grip depending on face position of the club, and learn how to utilize bounce on wedges

CLINIC- Long Iron and Utility


Learn to easily hit long irons and utility clubs – No more stress on longer irons and utility clubs!

CLINIC -Posture,Grip,Alignment


Learn the Basics of setting up to execute golf swing

CLINIC- Ask the Pros (Q&A)


Ask our Golf Professional with any questions that you have in golf and we will gladly help you!

CLINIC- All the Irons (9-5)


Learn how to utilize all your Irons in your bag in different distances!

CLINIC- Perform Punch Shot


What would be the easiest way to escape tree lines? Or What if course is too windy? Learn to punch your shots to escape all the trouble!

CLINIC- Driver and Wood


Join us to fix your slice, hook, topping with your Driver and Woods

CLINIC- Short Game Techniques


Learn different techniques to lower your score and be more confident with short game!