CLINIC- Short Game from rough


Learn to hit wedges off the rough around the green

CLINIC- Pitchshot Clinic 45min


In situations where chipping is not available to approach the green, pitch shot is necessary to perfrom, but what is the right swing to execute?

CLINIC- One Point Lesson upto5


One Point Lesson covers individual needs in their golf game with teaching Professional.

Clinic- Backswing Tempo Adjust


Adjust your backswing Tempo with our Pros and get help being on plane with your backswing.

Clinic- Putting with Breaks


Why does putting become so difficult when we putt on breaks? How do we adjust distance when there are breaks on the line of the Putt?

Clinic- Wedges to All Irons


With our Clinic, we will learn to hit different targets with different clubs in your hand to help you best utilize clubs in your bag !

Clinic- All Club Clinic


Come join us at the range to learn how to hit every club in your bag!

CLINIC- Putting


Learn how to make putts to lower your stroke! Our teaching Professional Adam will help our members to lower their strokes with his putting techniques!

Clinic- Course Lesson (upto5)


Teaching Professional will take Players out to the course to give course lesson. Members will be paying $18 dollars for green fee.

CLINIC- Everything in the Bag


Learn how to all the clubs in your golf bag to lower your strokes!